Saturday Night Pasta
Recipes and rituals for the home cook
‘This is not a dramatic tale of overcoming incredible adversity or surviving some kind of disaster. No loves have been lost, no hearts broken. This is a rather ordinary tale, of finding myself and forming a ritual of self-care that I like to call Saturday Night Pasta.’
Saturday Night Pasta teaches self-care through the humble act of making pasta, with stories, mantras, step-by-step guides to different pasta shapes and 40 delicious, modern recipes.
Moving out...eating in
A cook book for home leavers
Moving out of home is both a rite of passage and a whole lot of fun. For most of us, however, moving out spells the end of eating in for quite a long time.
Elizabeth Hewson is a 26 year old self-taught cook who has written this book based on her own moving out of home journey. moving out..eating in shares her love of food, her self taught cooking skills and ways to entertain friends that wont break the bank.